Jacob Leistra / "Game Boy" / PCT 2019

About Jacob

Iā€™m Jacob Leistra, the guy above with the goofy smile. That was me at Columbine Lake in the Mineral King Valley of Sequoia National Park. On that day in August 2017, I fell in love with backpacking.

Iā€™m a DevOps-minded systems engineer that loves rock climbing and music. In May 2019 I quit my job to hike the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). I wanted to journal some of my trip, so I decided to spin up a website. Iā€™m using GitHub to host my repo, and Netlify to serve the site. The theme is Barber by Samesies. All writing and photography are my own.

ā€œGame Boy?ā€

Most hikers on long distance thru-hikes pick up trail names. These names can come from mannerisms, foods they eat, funny things they say, etc.

In September 2017 I hiked the Tahoe Rim Trail (TRT), a 170-mile loop around Lake Tahoe. Shortly before my hike, I bought a cheap hat from Etsy with a purple Game Boy patch on it. I wore this hat for my entire hike and some of the hikers I met called me ā€œGame Boy.ā€ I guess the name fits, because I hummed tunes from my favorite Game Boy games while I was hiking: Pokemon Red and Blue, The Legend of Zelda: Linkā€™s Awakening, and Metroid II.

Weā€™ll see if the name sticks on the PCT.


Outside of high school and university essays, Iā€™ve never really done much writing. In the spirit of taking big steps and doing new thingsā€“like the PCTā€“Iā€™m committing to journaling my days for the next few months. Much of what I write will be what Iā€™m thinking about, what Iā€™m experiencing, and how my hike is going.

Ultralight Hiking

My backpacking style is to buy excellent quality, ultralight equipment from small cottage makers, and to carry only what I need to safely enjoy my hike. As many hikers will attest, knowledge is lighter than gear youā€™ll never use. I approach my gear selection with the mindset that if I can carry less I can hike more.

Over the past few years Iā€™ve had issues with my right patella and iliotibial (IT) band. Being ultralight means I can miminimize the chance of reinjury while enjoying more of the time on my feet.

If youā€™d like to know what Iā€™m carrying on the PCT, check out the the LighterPack link in the header.