Jacob Leistra / "Game Boy" / PCT 2019

Day 115: Climbing to Descend

Mile 2514.9 -> Mile 2549.6

It was another long day and I’m just getting to camp as the twilight hits. There were lots of day/overnight hikers out, which was actually nice for once. It was nice to talk to them and hear about Washington, which is quickly becoming an alluring place to live.

If I can help it, this is the start of a wind down. I want to do fewer than 35 miles from here on out. And it’s probably necessary as well because my body is starting to feel broken down. All the elevation is making my hips and butt so sore that every mile hurts. Today felt like climbing really high just to descend really low, and vice versa. The end of Glacier Peak was gorgeous, but the descent into the Suiattle River ravine was mellow and Oregon-like. Nevertheless, it was an achy day.

One thing weird about Washington is the amount of pit toilets at established backcountry campsites. I guess hikers not appropriately digging catholes and packing out their toilet paper has gotten to be such a problem that the Forest Service and National Parks Service have dug pit toilets. Well, I used one today and it was frankly amazing. No, pooping in a hole while sitting on a wooden box is not amazing. But I was situated on a hillside and seeing this:

I consider that a pretty amazing view for doing your business. But then rest of the day had amazing sights as well.

Main Photo: An overcast view of a peak (I don’t think Glacier Peak) heading out of the wilderness boundary on September 2.